6803 Lake Worth Rd, Suite 215, Lake Worth, FL 33467
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Are you feeling frustrated and irritable?
Do you often lash out at others or hold your feelings in until you feel like you're going to explode?
We've all had those moments in our lives when we've felt angry about something. Although anger is considered a normal part of our emotional repertoire, it is how you express your anger that can be problematic. Unhealthy expressions of anger can be triggered in a multitude of situations, including children lashing out at their their friends and parents, throwing tantrums, and as we get older, intimate relationships, with friends, family, and at work. Hurting the people you love is one of the most severe consequences of not being able to control your anger expression. Psychological Wellness Center helps you regain control of your life and feelings.
Gain Emotional Control
Anger is a healthy emotion when it’s expressed in an appropriate manner at the right time. Too often, many of us let anger get the better of us in arguments and emotional interactions with others.
This group will help you better understand the roots of anger, and how to experience it in a way that is healthier for you and those around you.
Date: Mondays for 8 sessions
Time: 6:00pm
Cost: $50/session
See our learning objective below.
Group Learning Objectives:
To develop anger management skills to figure out what anger is, why they get angry, and ways to prevent angry responses.
To identify anger, the myths surrounding anger and how bottled up feelings can lead to exaggerated outbursts.
To educate you in the biological responses that trigger anger and make you more susceptible to aggression.
To explore the purpose of anger and how to take responsibility for your choices.
To identify situations that can quickly escalate your feelings of anger and provide skills on how to communicate more effectively.
To manage anger’s impact on your body, mood, thoughts, and behavior in healthy ways.
Whether someone else has advised you to seek anger management counselling or you are searching for answers on your own, our highly qualified clinicians are available to support and educate you on effectively controlling your feelings with anger management.
We understand that your anger is not a reflection of who you are and sincerely try to understand you as an individual based on your unique situation. Our therapists not only teach you strategies for anger management, but also specialize in getting to the deeper issues that can help you to achieve long-term change.
With your commitment and willingness to honestly examine your behavior, tremendous change is possible. We offer a number of specialized anger management curriculums for differing age groups.
To learn more about our services, please contact us.
Contact us at 561-207-7625 or fill out our confidential contact form below.